Stone Miner Simulator Script 2023 | Auto Sell, Inf Gems, Inf Coins


This is a really nice Stone Miner Simulator script. It can do things like

  • Auto Sell
  • INF Gems
  • +2mil coins

If you want to change your in-game walking speed and jumping power and other things you can have a look here – Universal Script

If you don’t know how to use the script you can have a look here at some tutorials – How to exploit & Safety

-- Inf Gems local args = {     [1] = "my_add_diamond",     [2] = math.huge }  game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteEvent:FireServer(unpack(args))  -- Free Gold for i = 1, 5000 do     local args = {         [1] = "Holder",         [2] = {             ["id"] = 17,             ["index"] = 1,             ["prop"] = {                 ["color"] = nil --[[Color3]] ,                 ["material"] = Enum.Material.Plastic,                 ["texture_id"] = ""             }         }     }      game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteEvent:FireServer(unpack(args)) end  -- Auto Sell for free gold getgenv().autosell = true spawn(function()     while task.wait() do         if autosell then             local interest = game:GetService("Workspace").base.HomeBuilding.SellBuilding.sellBuilding.trigger             firetouchinterest(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, interest, 0)             task.wait()             firetouchinterest(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, interest, 1)         end     end end)